
Popcorn Sushi’s Top 5 Horror Films of All Time

Defining the “top” horror films of all time can be subjective. People have different tastes and preferences regarding horror. However, some films have made a significant impact on the genre and have achieved widespread acclaim.

Each of these films brings a unique vision of horror. In most cases, they pioneered an approach to the genre that’s still used in films today.

A Nightmare on Elm Street, New Line Cinema
Image: New Line Cinema

It’s important to note that what makes a good horror movie can vary from person to person. Some may prefer supernatural horror. Others may be more drawn to psychological horror or slasher films.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of a horror movie depends on its ability to generate fear and resonate with the audience’s fears and anxieties.

Below are the top 5 Horror Films of All Time

Brad Repka

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what those 3 seashells are for...