
5 Well Thought Out Reasons Why God Invented B-Movies

2. Nude for Satan may never have been made.

Nude For Satan Redemption Films
Nude For Satan. Image: Redemption Films

And then where the hell would 20th century culture be?

Director Luigi Batzella’s opus was so unintelligible and strange that noted philanthropist, Charles Manson, wanted a redo of his life so he could model it after the movie. As kooky as Manson thought himself to be, he felt he had nothing on that “Satan cat in the film.”  The plot of Nude For Satan is pretty straightforward, as there is none. Still, director Batzella adds special touches that made Italian authorities try to encourage him to make more films.

The Volkswagen people were particularly impressed by the intro. The movie opens on actress, Rita Calderoni, running naked through the woods. We find she is chasing a Beetle.

Nude For Satan
Nude For Satan. Image: Redemption Films

Women come running just to get a glance at the Volkswagen Beetle.

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