
Top 10 Horror Movies to Watch on Date Night


Scream, Dimension Films
Image: Dimension Films

Scream is a horror movie that you must watch with your partner. This movie was released in 1996, and soon after became a hit all over the world. The story is about a group of horror-loving teenagers who are stalked by a serial killer. 

Sydney Prescott is the main character of the film, and through her naivety, we slowly learn the true nature and motivations of Ghostface, the film’s antagonist. The entire Scream franchise took Hollywood by storm in the late 90s, and for good reason. 

Scream not only educated viewers that horror films typically follow a formula, but it broke them all (sort of), while loosely following them. It did all of this while poking fun at itself. Although it’s not the scariest film, it has plenty of jump-scares. This is the type of film for weaker-willed movie-goers.

NEXT: #5 Casper

Brad Repka

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what those 3 seashells are for...