
‘Star Wars’: 6 People You Didn’t Know Auditioned to Be Han Solo

Sylvester Stallone

Sylvester Stallone han solo

Another person who recently revealed that he auditioned for the part of Han Solo was Sylvester Stallone. He was basically an unknown actor at the time, Rocky had yet to be released. Stallone says that he was basically shot down from the beginning:

“Yes as a matter of fact I did and it didn’t meet with much approval since when I stood in front of George Lucas he didn’t look at me once. Well, obviously I’m not the right type.”

In an interview with Jimmy Fallon, on The Tonight Show, Stallone commented further on his audition stating:

“Let me just make it easy for you,” Stallone recounted saying to Lucas and his producers. “I would look like crap in spandex leotards and a ray gun. Guys in space don’t have this face, I get it.”

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Brad Repka

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