
‘Star Wars’: 6 People You Didn’t Know Auditioned to Be Han Solo

Nick Nolte


48 Hrs, Paramount Pictures
Nick Nolte starred in ’48 Hrs’. Image: Paramount Pictures

There isn’t much on Nick Nolte’s audition to play Solo. The best source to go to for this is Patton Oswald, who had a whole bit about it. It is actually pretty funny to hear Oswald talk about it, but what is funnier is that Nolte was closer to getting the role than most of the others. Not only did he almost get the role of Han Solo, he turned down the role of Indiana Jones as well!

In an article written by MTV, Nolte says:

“I think that was a given that [Han Solo] was going to go to Harrison Ford,” Nolte told NextMovie at the press day for his new film “Warrior.” “In that group of filmmakers, he was their actor. I’d have been kind of a goofy ’Star Wars guy.”

Star Wars would have been an entirely different film, had Nolte landed the role. I have said it before, Harrison Ford was perfect for the role, and thank heavens for that.

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