
Confirmed: The ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ Will Be in Avengers: Infinity War

There has been a lot of speculation as to what Marvel heroes we will see in the upcoming two-part Marvel film Avengers: Infinity War. Fans have speculated that we could get introductions to Captain Marvel, Adam Warlock, and there may even be a chance meeting between the Earth-bound heroes and the cosmic heroes.

Everyone involved with the film has been hush-hush about who we will see, or what the details of the original story we might see. One actor involved in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that isn’t about to keep quiet is Vin Diesel. On Facebook Live, Vin Diesel (Groot) revealed that Groot, Star Lord, the entire Guardians of the Galaxy will appear in Infinity War.

Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2, Marvel
Concept art from Marvel’s ‘Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2’. Image: Marvel

Here is Diesel’s statement:

….the Guardians will be included in Avengers: Infinity War and that’s incredibly exciting. Incredibly exciting. Incredibly exciting and something that if you were a part of our page you knew before everybody.

If you know anything about the Infinity War storyline, then this is obviously a no-brainer. It is an event that encompasses the entirety of Marvel Universe. As so, Infinity War is the pinnacle of everything that Marvel has been trying to establish in their cinematic universe. This is the first confirmation to come from any of the actors in the MCU.

Does this necessarily mean that the Avengers and the Guardians will fight along side of each other in the film? It means that they are in it in some capacity, and Thanos has to go to their neck of the woods to retrieve the power stone, and to pick up his daughters, Gamora and Nebula. Seeing the Avengers fight with the Guardians would be great, but cameo appearances will probably be all we will get.

Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2, Marvel
Marvel’s ‘Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2’ gets an 80’s styled logo. Image: Marvel

Avengers: Infinity War opens in theaters on May 4, 2018.


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Brad Repka

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what those 3 seashells are for...