
Mondo’s Poster for ‘Arrival’ is a Work of Art

Arrival was one of the best films of 2016, and the best one if you are a science fiction fan. The film has an amazing story, and was a surprise when you realize the entire film is about breaking language barriers. Arrival has an amazing twist that will not allow you ever see the movie as you had the very first time.

This is exactly what the Mondo poster for Arrival portrays. I am not going to go into the twist of the film and give anything away, but this image is amazing once you know the twist. Drawn by artist Kevin Tong, this image basically sums up the entire film in a single frame. The image, set on the alien ship, features Louise and her daughter.

Paramount Pictures released an official statement about the posters below:

In celebration of the Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD debut of ARRIVAL today and the film’s 8 Academy Award nominations, I wanted to share two new limited edition Mondo posters.


The artwork is simply stunning, which is something that Mondo is known for. They rarely let us down, and it appears that this time they have outdone themselves.

Both posters will be available Thursday, February 16th at a random time at Get them while they last.

Check out both posters below:

Arrival, Mondo
Artist: Kevin Tong Image: Mondo
Arrival, Mondo
Artist: Kevin Tong Image: Mondo

Brad Repka

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what those 3 seashells are for...