
Comic Sleeper Hit of the Week: Get Yourself a Copy of Marvel’s ‘Nick Fury #1’

There are some great comics worth picking up this week, but there is always stories that fall through the cracks, the sleeper hits. A few years ago, Marvel introduced us to a brand new Nick Fury. He was the son of the original, and he bore an uncanny resemblance to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s version of Fury. It was an obvious attempt to sync the comic book world and the film world of Marvel. Since then, Nick Fury Jr. has shown up in various cameo roles throughout other character’s books, much like Samuel L. Jackson’s role in the MCU films.

Nick Fury #1, Marvel Comics
Image: Marvel Comics

Finally, this week he gets his own solo series. The new series is simply called ‘Nick Fury,’ and is written by James Robinson. The art team on this one is really stellar. The artist known as ACO is on pencils, Hugo Petrus inks those lines, and colorist Rachelle Rosenberg really bring something special to this book.

This comic series will lean heavily on the artwork to distinguish it from everything else out there on the shelf, but that isn’t a bad thing when the art is so good. The style of the imagery is retro, and plenty of people have pointed out its similarity to the original Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. series. Jim Steranko drew the books back then about the original Nick Fury, and that artwork was considered extremely inventive. It’s the retro colors and style that makes this book stand out from everything else on the shelf. The structure and layout of most pages and panels is unconventional in the best ways.

Nick Fury #1, Marvel Comics
Image: Marvel Comics

James Robinson is telling a thrilling spy tale that could go up alongside any James Bond story. This version of Nick Fury has as many gadgets as any classic Bond film, and more swagger than Jason Bourne or Ethan Hunt. Nick Fury is telling a modern superhero story with the rhythm and flair of an audacious retro spy thriller.

This book should not disappear underneath the weight of all the bigger named books and events going on out there. If you get the chance to pick up a copy, Nick Fury #1 is definitely worth a look.

How many of you were already looking forward to Nick Fury #1? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

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Jason Hall

Currently starting as a freelance writer, surrounded by comic books and always online.