
Chris Hemsworth Teases Soul Stone Appearance and Darryl’s Possible MCU Debut

Could we see the last Infinity Stone as soon as Thor: Ragnarok? Will Darryl ever appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe outside of the two one-shots he already appears in? What do the Marvel contracts restrict the actors from ever doing? These were just a few of the answers that Chris Hemsworth (Thor: Ragnarok) shed light on this past weekend at Sydney’s Supanova Comic Con.

His appearance wasn’t welcomed at first, after it was revealed that Con photos with the star would cost $210 and $200 more for autographs. This is a hearty price for a star appearance, but it is a rare one. Does this mean that future Con attendees can look forward to steep price increases for images and autographs from their favorite characters? Lets hope this never happens. I am going to chalk this up to Hemsworth’s inexperience at conventions.

Thor: Ragnarok, Marvel Studios
Image: Marvel Studios

The other side of this coin, saw Hemsworth in great spirits at his panel, where he spoke about all things Marvel, including the highly anticipated Thor: Ragnarok.The first thing is when will we finally get to see the last of the six Infinity Stones? According to Hemsworth, the Soul Stone will show up ‘real soon’. He didn’t confirm whether it will make an appearance in Thor: Ragnarok, but some believe that the Stone has been on Asgard all along. You can check out our theory here.

Hemsworth went on to say that due to his Marvel contract, “it’s ‘illegal’ for Marvel actors to appear in DC films.” He also says that he and the other Marvel Chris’s (Pratt and Evans) go by their last names on set of Infinity War so that there is no confusion between them. In other unfortunate news, Darryl (Thor’s roommate from the Marvel One-shots) will not appear in Thor: Ragnarok. Thor will also keep his long hair for a third of the film, and he will also gain a few scars during it as well.

Thor: Ragnarok, Marvel Studios
Image: Marvel Studios

Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters on November 3.

[Tyler James]

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Brad Repka

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what those 3 seashells are for...