
Jodie Whittaker Talks About How Her Doctor Will Change Everything for ‘Doctor Who’

It is a momentous time for the fans fo the BBC’s Doctor Who. For the first time in 55 years, the Doctor regenerated as a woman, and although this is extraordinary in-and-of-itself, it could pave the way for something so much bigger. According to the newest Doctor, Jodie Whittaker, her casting may be momentous, but it is only the first step in making the role of the Doctor available to anyone wherever they come form.

Doctor Who, BBC
Image: BBC

In a recent interview with Total Film via Digital Spy, Whittaker talked about how her casting is important to her in setting the stage for anyone of any race, color, sexuality, or age after she leaves the role:

This is the defining moment of my life, I feel old enough for it. And I feel like I understand how important it is, and I’m so excited that the role models for young children, boys or girls… or teenagers, or adults, come in different forms. There’s nothing unattainable about me. I don’t look like I’ve been carved out of rock. I don’t sound like I’ve had the extraordinary glamour.

For me, knowing what I thought were my limitations as a person and an actor, because this industry is about, ‘You sound like this, you look like this’… but I’m normal. And that was exciting to [Broadchurch co-star and former Doctor] David [Tennant]—it was a superhero he could play. And now it opens it a little wider, to women as well.

It’s amazing to be a milestone, but how wonderful if it wasn’t, if it was just accepted, embraced. I’m not dissing the moment—it’s f**king brilliant—but hopefully when other people grow up, it’s not so much of a surprise.

Doctor Who, BBC
Image: BBC

It is nice to see that Doctor Who’s newfound diversity will shatter preconceived notions of the starring role. It will be a good ride with Whittaker at the helm if her big debut during the Doctor Who Christmas Special is any indication. It is a wonderful time to be a Doctor Who fan.

What did you think about Jodie Whittaker’s big debut on Doctor Who? Let us know in the comments below.