
Cut Concept Art From the First ‘Deadpool’ Movie

There’s no denying the amazing-ness that was Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds was spot on, almost as if Wade Wilson IS Ryan Reynolds. Deadpool creator, Rob Liefeld said one special X-Force character almost made the final cut in the first film.

The Deadpool films not only brought Deadpool to the forefront, but many other B-League X-Men characters.The sequel had a fully-realized X-Force, before they all died horrific, hilarious deaths.

Deadpool 2, Twentieth Century Fox
Image: Twentieth Century Fox

One character almost appeared in the first movie, but was cut from the film. According to Rob Liefeld, Kane almost appeared, but was cut from the film due to budgetary reasons.

Kane is a cyborg with ties to the Weapon X program and a former running buddy of Cable. The character was cut, but Liefeld drew up concept images of Kane before the axe hit the floor.

Check out Liefeld’s concept drawings of Kane below:

The artwork shows us two different designs for Kane. The look is unique, focusing on Kane’s cyborg appearance. The concept art strays from the original design of the character in the comics in that Kane in the comics resembles Colossus. His cyborg arms features the same bands.

X-Force, Marvel Comics
Image: Marvel Comics

Maybe this was an attempt at separating the character from Colossus, rather than directly relating Kane to him. The designs come courtesy of Blur Studios. The Deadpool franchise is up in the air in the wake of the Disney buyout of Twentieth Century Fox.

Hopefully Kane will show up in Deadpool 3.

Deadpool 2, Twentieth Century Fox
Image: Twentieth Century Fox

What were your favorite Deadpool moments? let us know in the comments below!

Brad Repka

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what those 3 seashells are for...