Covid-19’s delayed the upcoming release of Marvel’s Black Widow movie. Don’t assume that Natasha Romanoff’s film is a one-off film, just slated to give the Widow her own film.
It’s possible that Black Widow might have huge ties to the greater MCU and more-specifically Black Panther 2.
Check out the final trailer below:
First off, Kevin Feige doesn’t typically mislead fans. When he makes a statement about an upcoming Marvel Studios film, its usually warranted. Feige said that Black Widow would completely change the way you see Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame. Don’t take this statement lightly.

If you take a closer look at the trailer for Black Widow, you begin to notice that the film’s actually full of MCU references.
The biggest takeaway is that Taskmaster (the film’s villain) appears to have a pair of vibranium gloves that resemble the Black Panther’s gloves.
The BW film takes place in between the events of Civil War and Infinity War, and Black Panther hit theaters after that. That means that Taskmaster either has access to Vibranium by way of Ulysses Klaue and the black market, or he has a connection in Wakanda.

General Ross seems to be at the center of most of the hijinks in the film, or at least that’s what the trailers hint at. Ross has a new weapons program called the Weapon Plus program.
This isn’t a one-and-done reference either. Recently, when investors were shown footage from Marvel’s The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. During the footage Bucky and Sam also referenced Ross’s Weapons plus program.
Could Taskmaster come from that program? It could also provide another direct link to Vibranium.

Could the Red Room have Widows in Wakanda? The Widows are conditioned and trained to blend in anywhere.
In another shot of the trailer, a group of Widows appearing to train in the Red Room feature and a shot of them walking down a hallway.
One Widow in particular is easy to overlook, but when you stop the trailer and brighten the shot, she has tribal face tattoo’s reminiscent of Wakandan tattoos. This could directly hint that there’s spies in Wakanda.
Check her out in the image below:

Was she born Wakandan and then abducted for the Widow program? Does she have the vibranium tattoo behind her lip, allowing her to enter Wakanda?
When Taskmaster takes over the Red Room, it gives him the ability to obtain Vibranium, but also the knowledge of how to use the Wakandan metal. As of the present, only the Wakandans have the ability to weave Vibranium into their fabrics.

One more trailer easter egg hints at this as well. In the image below, you see Nat and General Ross in a room in the top of the big tower that gets blown up at the end of the film.
Behind them on the wall are a number of screens that appear to depict locations of Widows all over the world.
One screen (third from the left on top) shows a city map that looks similar to Wakanda. Could the Widow program have numerous traitor-spies in Wakanda? Check out the screen cap below: