Now Hiring
PopcornSushi is currently looking to add skilled writers and avid fans of all things Movies, Television, Literature, Comics, Gaming, and Music to our diverse and growing team of talented bloggers. If you feel as though your passion for the genres we cover and skills as a writer would provide a unique addition to the PopcornSushi team, please continue reading as we’d love to hear from you! We are specifically looking for writers for two distinct (and occasionally combined) roles: news coverage (heavy day-to-day focus on finding and regularly posting news stories) and original content creation (reviews, editorials, and interviews). PopcornSushi writers enjoy a wide range of benefits and perks, including free advance preview content (early copies of books, comics, etc.) as well interview opportunities for key individuals throughout the industries we’re active in.
Television coverage on PopcornSushi is in need of new writers. We are looking to fill various roles, including:
- Television news writer – Regularly follow, understand, break, and report TV news (also includes industry interview opportunities)
- Television original content writer – Review shows, contribute opinions and ideas through editorials, and explore new grounds through interviews with some of the industry’s big and small names
PopsornSushi is looking to expand our coverage of young adult reviews, editorials, interviews, and news however is looking to expand our horizons by offering coverage of non-YA fantasy, sci-fi, and horror novels.
- Book writer – Regularly read newly published genre literature. You will be asked to review books on a regular basis, as well as contributing editorials/opinion articles and news coverage.
Potential perks include: Advanced reader copies of novels, and writers are also regularly offered interview opportunities.
We are hiring to fill the following roles:
- Marvel Comics writer – Marvel Comics has recently rebooted their comic series and we are looking to get into the game as a major coverage provider, both for news and reviews. Do you follow Marvel news? Do you regularly read new Marvel comics? Writer would be asked to cover news and reviews on a regular basis
- DC Comics writer – Are you a regular reader of DC Comics? Have strong opinions about the New 52? Writer would be asked to cover news and reviews on a regular basis.
- Comic News Writer – Do you regularly follow comic book industry news? Does your passion drive you to want to contribute and report your own news? This writer would be required to post news as it happens, often times occurring multiple times per day.
- Independent and small-house writer – Small houses are making big moves in the industry, showing that big players don’t have all the hits. We are looking for a writer to focus on smaller comic publishers like Aspen, Image, Dark Horse, IDW, Boom!, Zenescope and Dynamite, covering news and reviews on a regular basis.
Potential perks include: Access to comic writers and artists for interviews and guest posts. Regular access to advance copies of comics – before they’re released to the public!
PopcornSushi excels in its reviews of the latest box-office hits. However, our team is in dire need of a writer who is able to focus on regular news coverage. This will mean following the latest breaking news and posting on a regular basis (often times multiple posts per day):
- Movie News Writer – Do you regularly follow movie industry news? Does your passion drive you to want to contribute and report your own news? This writer would be required to post news as it happens, often times occurring multiple times per day.
- Movie Trailer Writer – You are the tip of the spear for movie fans wanting to stay on top of the most recent trailer releases from major studios and independent film houses.
- Movie Review Guru – Are film reviews your thing? Do you thrive on being the first one to see a film, just to brag to all of your friends about the pros and cons of the movie? Well this position is for you. You will be required to evaluate films with a critical eye on flaws and accolades. you must give a loved it or hated it stance. no middle-of-the-road people here.
- Unique Film and Creative stories Writer – This includes but is not limited to ‘Best of’ lists, countdowns, rumors, comparisons, easter eggs, etc. This is a deep deep well, so don’t be afraid to jump in head-first!
Video Games
We’ve only begun to breach the surface with video games here on PopcornSushi. We are looking for skilled bloggers and reviewers to help fill our ranks, providing the best gaming coverage on the net!
- Video game news writer – Regularly follow, understand, break, and report video game news across all console, handheld, and PC platforms as well as post press releases. (also includes industry interview opportunities)
- Table top gaming writer – Regularly follow, understand, break and report gaming news that includes table top, role playing and other types of gaming.
- Video game original content writer – Review games (with a large focus on new releases), contribute opinions and ideas through editorials, and explore new grounds through interviews with some of the industry’s big and small names.
PopcornSushi prides itself on our growing list of Music opportunities. We’ve always looking to expand our content by exploring new avenues and genres. We also pride ourselves in getting great exclusive interview opportunities with artists behind the microphone and the leaders on the technical side of music. The coverage we need includes, but is not limited to:
- Music Festivals
- Popular/ independent album releases
- Streaming
- Music Industry Technologies
- Exclusive Interviews
Marketing and Advertising
No positions open at this time.
Social Media Manager
No positions open at this time. But if you consider yourself a top specialist (find information at email us with your resume.

- PopcornSushi only employs writers above the age of 18.
- You must be an avid consumer of music, movies, television, comics, fantasy, sci-fi, horror and gaming materials.
- You must be able to contribute to the website on a regular basis. Writers will be required to contribute 4-5 times a week, with original content supplemented in at least once a week.
- Passion for sharing news and reviews with like-minded individuals and the ability to discover news on your own.
- Knowledge of sharing website content on various social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, etc. People have to see your stuff, in order to gain a potential following.
- Habit of browsing your favorite news resources for breaking news on a regular basis.
- You must be a skilled writer, with an ability to understand the WordPress CMS.
***Bonus Skills (not required but definitely appreciated):
- Experience blogging and reviewing for other websites (not necessarily of the same types or genres)
- Experience working within the industries that we cover (examples: publishing industry, movie production, game development, etc)
- Experience with WordPress, a blogging platform
- Currently attending or have graduated school for writing, journalism, etc.
If interested in applying, please send an email to containing the following:
- Please tell us a bit about yourself! (Be sure to include your age and country)
- Which specific role(s) are you looking to fill?
- How regularly will you be able to contribute to PopcornSushi?
- Any past experience with writing, blogging, etc. that would be relevant to your work on PopcornSushi?
- 3 sample pieces of writing – preferably an editorial or review (something you’d see on PopcornSushi)
- Briefly explain why you wish to write for PopcornSushi, and what you feel sets you apart from other writers.
Please do not hesitate to email in regarding any questions you may have regarding writing for PopcornSushi. A member of our staff will be in touch with you as soon as we receive your email. We appreciate your interest and thank you for supporting PopcornSushi!