
Ranking All 11 ‘Star Wars’ Movies

3. Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

star wars the last jedi, lucasfilm
Image: Lucasfilm

In 2017, Rian Johnson grabbed the baton from Abrams and ran with it, before throwing it into the crowd in a bold, divisive display. If Force Awakens played it safe, The Last Jedi was a direct response to fan criticism.

Reception for Last Jedi . Star Wars fans are notoriously protective over their beloved property, and seeing characters treated in unexpected ways was a tough pill to swallow.

Some embraced the new direction and applauded Johnson for the risks, while others still experience a violent convulsive response at the mere mention of the words “Canto Bight”.

Star Wars The Last Jedi, Lucasfilm
Image: Lucasfilm

Those particular scenes on the casino planet do drag, and the moment that sees Leia force-pull herself through space comes across as more corny than sincere.

TJohnson crafted a truly compelling and interesting entry in the Star Wars canon that stands on its own.

Luke’s arc is the film’s central emotional anchor. He goes from grumpy hermit, disparaged with the legacy of the Jedi, to the heroic myth that legends says he is.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Lucasfilm
Image: Lucasfilm

The cathartic resolution comes when he embraces Rey’s destiny as a Jedi in his final fight with Kylo Ren. It’s clever, satisfying, and ties the two character’s arcs together perfectly.

Johnson also gives us a unique, brand new planet called Crait. The red salty surface gives way to one of the most visually inventive final battles in Star Wars history.  

Star Wars The Last Jedi, Lucasfilm
Image: Lucasfilm

John Williams score’s his best soundtrack of the sequels. He builds on the new themes established in The Force Awakens, whilst bringing back some fan favorites. Listen to the familiar music as the Millennium Falcon flies through the caves of Crait for some effective nostalgia.

NEXT PAGE: # 2 Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

Scott Fleming

An avid movie fan with a degree in acting. If I can't be in the movies, I'll write about them!