
Ranking All 11 ‘Star Wars’ Movies

12. Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Long before any hint of Disney and a Sequel Trilogy, Revenge of the Sith was the last theatrically-released Star Wars movie. Then came The Clone Wars. 2008 saw the film’s release, acting as a pilot for the TV series that would soon follow.

Star Wars The Clone Wars, Lucasfilm
Image: Lucasfilm

The Clone Wars was only supposed to be a television show, and never begin with a feature film. George Lucas decided after seeing early footage from the show that the first few episodes should be woven together to form a feature film.

Critics and fans mostly panned it upon release and it made very little money at the box office. It’s not surprising. It’s hard to grasp the writing and animation style outside of the context of the television series, especially when audiences were expecting something more akin to the main saga.

Star Wars The Clone Wars, Lucasfilm
Image: Lucasfilm

The movie plays out just like an extended episode of the show, which is much better suited for a smaller screen. They clearly rushed the film for release, as some of the animation looks unfinished.

Certain exterior shots on Tatooine wouldn’t look out of place in a PS2 cutscene, but didn’t look good in a theatrical film.

An unexpected highlight is some of the original cast returning. Anthony Daniels is always a welcome addition, and Christopher Lee brings the same gravitas to the sound booth as he does to the sound stage.

That being said, Samuel L. Jackson’s monotone performance is not his best. The action scenes are also surprisingly stellar, and offer a taste of what the show will go on to become.

Star Wars The Clone Wars, Lucasfilm
Image: Lucasfilm

NEXT PAGE: #11 Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

Scott Fleming

An avid movie fan with a degree in acting. If I can't be in the movies, I'll write about them!