
Ranking All 11 ‘Star Wars’ Movies

5. Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, LucasFilm
Image: LucasFilm

Return of the Jedi was the final movie in the Original Trilogy, capping off one of the most successful film series of the time.

Richard Marquand was bestowed the gargantuan task of leading the trilogy across the finish line following two mega-hits.

Return of the Jedi, Lucasfilm
Image: Lucasfilm

It’s definitely the weakest of the Original Trilogy, but it’s by no means a misfire. The pacing in the second act is inconsistent, and cute as they are, the Ewoks are irritating at times.

The set-piece on Jabba’s Barge is thrilling and pure Star Wars joyfulness. The third act also works brilliantly.

Marquand tightens the emotional grip with Luke’s refusal to turn to the dark side. Combined with Darth Vader’s inner turmoil, it makes for some great drama, paying off in a beautiful conclusion when Luke buries his father, the Jedi.

Return of the Jedi, Lucasfilm
Image: Lucasfilm

Rounding out the trilogy wasn’t an easy job. The film comes out the gate strong, and although it stumbles along the way, it eventually finds its feet and soars over the finishing line.

NEXT PAGE: # 4 Episode VII: The Force Awakens

Scott Fleming

An avid movie fan with a degree in acting. If I can't be in the movies, I'll write about them!