We know the major plot point to the upcoming Gareth Edwards film Rogue one: A Star […]
Tag: star wars
Will Tony Gilroy Save ‘Star Wars: Rogue One’ Spin-Off?
Another installment of the Star Wars verse prepares to invade theaters on December 16. A new hero […]
Why Is Everyone Superhero Crazy, and Where is All the ‘Other’ Movie Love?
Good luck ignoring superhero stuff for the next decade. With the acceptance of geek culture […]
‘Star Wars: Rogue One’ Poster Takes Us to the Beach
A ton of Rogue One information dropped at the Star Wars Celebration that took place this […]
Alden Ehrenreich Cast as Han Solo in Spinoff Movie
Han Solo is about to be spun off. No, this isn’t during some Star Wars […]
‘Star Wars: Rogue One’ is Getting Fantastic New Ships
This past weekend was Star Wars Celebration in Europe, and there was a ton of […]
Where Mark Hamill Thought Luke Would Appear in ‘TFA’
If you know anything about Mark Hamill, then you know that he is a bigger […]
Rumors:’Han Solo: A Star Wars Story’ and ‘Star Wars: Rogue One’
Juicy Star Wars Rumors It is rumor time again, and we have a bunch of […]
James Cameron Does Not Like ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’
Last week, Avatar director Jame Cameron sat down with Kelly Stinner and had a few choice words […]
‘Indiana Jones’ May Soon be Getting Rebooted?
A theory has swirled around the internet: Will Indiana Jones get rebooted? With Harrison Ford unable […]