The Film Trailers of John Ford by Thomas Swan Intermission John Wayne Studio Publicity Please excuse us while we change reels. As always, refreshments are in the lobby. And if you choose to litter, John Wayne won’t be your friend anymore. He doesn’t like litterers. Now, back to our feature. Pages: 1 2 3
Movies slider ‘Star Wars Episode VIII’ Rumors: Tom Hardy Brad Repka May 10, 2016 Star Wars The Force Awakens was known for its celebrity cameos, but according to one source, Star Wars […]
Movies slider Television George A. Romero: Did Brad Pitt Kill the Zombie Film Genre? Brad Repka November 1, 2016 Over the past decade, zombie films have become a staple in the monthly Hollywood release […]
Movies slider ‘Fantastic Beasts’: Mads Mikkelsen to Replace Depp Brad Repka November 19, 2020 In a surprising move, Mads Mikkelsen (Hannibal, Rogue One) is in early talks to take […]