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Is There a Miracle Body Fat-Cutting, Weight Loss Spice?

Have you ever wanted to sprinkle magic dust on your food that would help you cut body fat and loss a ton of weight? You may think that this is something that exists only in movies, but you couldn’t be more wrong.

There’s actually a spice just like this that most of you may have in your pantry at this very moment, it’s called cumin.

Cumin has many uses, from giving food amazing flavor to preparing ancient Egyptian Kings for mummification. I cannot make this stuff up. There’s new studies that show that cumin may affect weight loss, as well as making your chili taste amazing!

Researchers in Iran are testing the effects that cumin has on the fat content in the human bloodstream.

wooden scoop with cumin on black background
wooden scoop with cumin

They tested overweight individuals, by placing them all on a reduced calorie diet with nutrition counseling. The test subjects were divided into two groups for the experiment.

Both groups were fed yogurt each day, with one group receiving 3 grams of cumin in their yogurt.

The group that received cumin in their yogurt saw close to 50% more weight loss than the group that didn’t. They also had a reduction in their body fat percentage by over 14%. This is almost 3 times the fat loss that the control group had.

The researchers came to the conclusion that cumin might temporarily increase your metabolism, similar to the effects that caffeine or cinnamon has on the body.

The researchers also found that cumin could lower blood sugar comparable to prescription medicines like Glyburide. They theorize that the spice can also help reduce inflammation, cholesterol, and fatty acids. Boom, like magic.


So, What Ways Can You Implement Cumin Into Your Diet? 

You can add it into soup, stew, chili or anything that is cooked in a liquid.

You can sprinkle it on vegetables like broccoli and carrots.

It goes great with any meat, but it is amazing on beef. (Meatballs and Burgers)

You can add it to scrambled eggs before cooking them.

Cumin will not give you a six-pack in 3 days, though. You still need to keep your nutrition in check, watch you caloric intake, and exercise regularly.

As long as you are sticking to your nutrition and exercise plans, cumin may be the miracle spice you need to achieve your goals quicker.

Chad Humphrey FitnessIf you are in the San Antonio, Texas area come by the gym and say hello.You can also check out our website for great deals, our location, and available classes. Remember, power through!

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Chad Humphrey

My career in the fitness world began in 2011 after having won a weight-loss bet with my brothers. I dropped about 70 pounds over the course of 9 months to win the bet. In August 2012, at age 27, I opened his training studio in North San Antonio Texas (Chad Humphrey Fitness). In 2013, I graduated from Wayland Baptist University, with a B.A.S. with a concentration in Physical Education. I continue to pursue excellence in the fitness world by educating myself and others about the necessity of nutrition and training to maintain a healthy, vibrant lifestyle. Boom!