
Simon Kinberg Talks ‘X-Men’, ‘Gambit’, ‘Deadpool 2’, and ‘Alpha Flight’

With Logan hitting theaters this week, all eyes are on where the X-Men franchise will go next. Will they cast another Wolverine, or will they retire the character on the big screen as well? You can almost bet that FOX will not allow Wolverine to retire, so then the conversation switches to who will take over the adamantium claws?

Simon Kinberg sits down with to talk about the plans for FOX and the entire X-Men cinematic universe. He gives us big updates on the Channing Tatum-led Gambit film that has been in production hell for some time, Deadpool 2, and Alpha Flight Exiles.


According to Kinberg, Gambit is in active development and looks to be ready for filming in the early months of 2018:

“Channing [Tatum] is as determined about getting the character right as Ryan Reynolds was about Deadpool and Hugh [Jackman] was about this Logan movie. We know that when we get those right, the movie succeeds so we want to make sure we get Gambit right because we want him to be the beginning of a whole new franchise.”

Deadpool, Twentieth Century Fox
Image: Twentieth Century Fox

Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 is underway, and according to Kingberg, the script is “really good”. Casting for the new characters has begun, and the studio is looking to have the film ready for theaters in 2018. Filming is scheduled to begin in June.

X-Men: Alpha Flight & Exiles

Where will the X-Men franchise go in the next few years? Will they continue to show the same team on-screen that are in previous films, or will the studio look to expand the X-Men roster, and dip into the huge catalog of mutants in the comic books?

“We have a sense of where each of all of the existing characters go from Deadpool to New Mutants to the mainland X-Men movies to potentially even X-23. Then, there’s other characters, like X-Flight, like Exiles… There’s a lot of characters to mine going forward. We’re still sort of in this phase where now we’ve completed the Wolverine story with Logan and we begin hopefully with New Mutants and eventually Gambit and continue with Deadpool.”

20th Century Fox has a number of dates scheduled in 2018, but it is unknown which films will take those spots. The way that Kinberg talks about them, these films could be Deadpool 2, New Mutants, and another X-Men film.

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Brad Repka

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what those 3 seashells are for...