
Comic Book Pull List May 17: These are the Comics You Need to Pick Up This Week

Wednesday is new comic book day, and it’s never easy to know what comics are worth picking up. Here are some ideas to help you out.

Mighty Thor #19

written by Jason Aaron and drawn by Russel Dauterman

Mighty Thor #19, Marvel Comics
Image: Marvel Comics

Jason Aaron has been writing the heck out of Thor lately. Making Jane Foster become the vessel for the power of Thor was a game changing decision that drew a lot of attention. The important thing is that he has been telling some bad-a** stories with both versions of Thor for years now. This issue features both Jane Foster and the Unworthy Odinson, with some help from Quention Quire, facing off against the cosmic force known as the Phoenix. That’s enough to get me to buy this comic book.

Luke Cage #1

written by David F. Walker and drawn Nelson Blake

Luke Cage #1, Marvel Comics
Image: Marvel Comics

If you liked the Netflix series Luke Cage, then this is a no-brainer. Walker has been writing Cage for a while now, and finally gets to sink his teeth into a solo Luke Cage series. This new series promises to delve into the history of Power Man. Luke is digging into the past and present of the other victims of the experiments that gave him his abilities.

Nick Fury #2

written by James Robinson and drawn by ACO  

Nick Fury #2, Marvel Comics
Image: Marvel Comics

The first issue of this new comic book series was really special, and this is the issue where we find out if the series has legs. We already know the art style by ACO is going to be spectacular and unique. Nick Fury Jr. is going to the moon and faces off with another threat from Hydra. The only thing missing from the first issue was a bit more development for Nick Fury Jr. I think giving Robinson more time will result in all of us succumbing to the charm of this super spy. I’m hoping that this is just one step in a long-standing comic book series that Nick Fury deserves.

Wild Storm #4

written by Warren Ellis and drawn by Jon Davis-Hunt
Wild Storm #4, This Ellis penned series has been very interesting since the get-go. It’s a new re-interpretation of the classic Wild Storm characters, and it’s just getting started. “The storm is building” and all the players are taking the stage. Angela Spica is coming into her own as a mechanical superhero, and the last issue was the debut of Grifter. You can always rely on Warren Ellis to tell an engaging story.

Flash #22

written by Joshua Williamson and drawn by Howard Porter

The Flash #22, DC Comics
Image: DC Comics

It is the end of ‘The Button’ crossover between the Flash and Batman. If you look at the cover you’ll know that this issue ushers in the return of another classic speedster from the past. When we left off last time, Barry Allen and Batman were chasing the Reverse Flash through the Speed Force, leading to the source of that mysterious Button. This crossover has laid the groundwork for the next big DC event that will come November 2017.

Vol. 2 Speed of Darkness

written by Joshua Williamson and drawn by Carmine Di Giandomenico

Flash Vol. 2 Speed of Darkness, DC Comics
Image: DC Comics

This story is a big deal. This is where the fallout of DC’s Rebirth was dealt with. Carmine Di Giandomenico’s artwork in this series has always mixed very well with the Flash aesthetic. The look of this series, with him behind the pen, has a very distinct look. It’s the return of the original Wally West and a true reunion for the entire Flash family. Speed of Darkness sets the stage for a whole new turn in Barry Allen’s life. This volume collects #9-#13 of the Flash series and DC Universe: Rebirth #1.

Which books are you going to get this week? What are you reading? Let us know in the comments section below.

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Jason Hall

Currently starting as a freelance writer, surrounded by comic books and always online.