
Patrick Stewart Keen on Picard Returning for Tarantino’s ‘Star Trek’

One of the most-iconic characters in the Star Trek universe in Captain Jean-Luc Picard. He was Captain of the USS Enterprise during Star Trek: The Next Generation. He is a character that Patrick Stewart is asked if he will reprise countless times, but has never seen the need for it. Now, with the recently-announced Quentin Tarantino Star Trek feature, Stewart wants to reprise Picard.

At the Dubai International Film Festival, Stewart says that he really wants Picard to show up in Tarantino’s Trek film. He says that Tarantino is a director he has dreamed of working with:

Star Trek: The Next Generation, Paramount Television
Image: Paramount Television

“People are always saying to me, ‘Will you be Jean-Luc Picard again?’ And I cannot think that would be possible, but there are ways in which something like that might come about.

But one of my dreams is to work with Tarantino. I admire his work so much, and to be in a Tarantino film would give me so much satisfaction. So, if he is going to direct something to do with Star Trek and there was the possibility of dear old Jean-Luc showing up again and doing that for Mr Tarantino, I would embrace it.

The one thing that characterizes all of his movies is that frame by frame, it always challenges, always demands your attention, always demands a very kind of open and generous response to what he does. I also love his sense of humor as a filmmaker. So yes, he would be my first choice.”

Star Trek: The Next Generation, Paramount Television
Image: Paramount Television

The direction of Tarantino’s Star Trek is still unknown. Will he continue the current J.J. Abrams Trek universe, or will he forge his own path. He also has the option of setting the film in the past, which would pave the way for Picard’s return. The team-up could have epic implications. Picard is a long-time fan-favorite character in the Trek universe. Entertaining one more trip into The Next Generation is something that fans want, and seeing Picard in his officer’s garb on the bridge again would delight the masses.

There is no current date set for Tarantino’s Star Trek film.

Source: Heat Vision