
Newest Trailer Shows Tom Hardy Turn Into the Anti-Hero ‘Venom’

The first trailer for the Tom Hardy-led Venom movie left audiences wanting to see more. Honestly, how can you release a Venom trailer and not show the Symbiote at all? Well, you can rest assured, because the newest trailer not only shows the anti-hero, but shows Hardy turning into him.

Check out the second trailer for Venom below:

The trailer gives us everything e wanted to see the first time around. It has a broody Eddie Brock, Tom Hardy actually speaking to the symbiote out loud, and Venom in all of his glory. Although, i am still a bit skeptical, the suit does look considerably better than it did in Spider-Man 3.

Venom, Sony Pictures
Image: Sony Pictures

In the film, Tom Hardy (Eddie Brock) is an investigative journalist who has uncovered that a evil corporation is experimenting with a symbiotic life form on humans, and its killing them. Somehow Brock is exposed to the symbiote, and instead of killing him, it bond with him. The movie will show Brock battling with his own morality, toeing the fine line between hero and villain.

Venom hits theaters on October 5.

Venom, Sony Pictures
Image: Sony Pictures

What did you think of the new Venom trailer? Let us know in the comments below.


Brad Repka

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what those 3 seashells are for...