
‘Gotham’ Showrunners Talk About the Batsuit reveal for the Final Season

The big moment is finally arriving for Gotham. Fans knew that the Batman origin series would eventually have to address Bruce’s transformation into the Dark Knight. That time is finally here.

In a recent interview with Bam Smack Pow, showrunner John Stephens says he understands the fans expectations, and that they are doing everything they can to make this right:

Batman v Superman, Warner Brothers Pictures
Image: Warner Brothers Pictures

“I think it’s more matte. It’s inspired by, if I had to compare to any one costume, I’d say it’s closer to The Dark Knight Rises. It’s a little more metallic Bat battle-y looking rather than something like the Suicide one or the Affleck one.

[It’s an issue of] how much money can we allocate towards spending on this costume because it’s got to look good. Because you don’t want to spend five years, and all of a sudden go, ‘Great episode, but that was a really crappy looking costume.’ There’s a lot of pressure, but luckily our wardrobe department is amazing so all the designs they’re doing are going to be great. And we went with short ears.”

The Dark Knight, Warner Brothers Pictures
Image: Warner Brothers Pictures

This is a moment that Gotham has been building to. Many other shows of this nature have had their big moments spoiled by a lackluster reveal. Smallville took 10 seasons to give fans a moment of Clark Kent pulling open his shirt. That was it.

It appears that the showrunners will not fall into this trap. On a good note, Batman has many different versions of the Batsuit in live-action already. As long as the show takes notes from the other versions of the suits, and doesn’t try anything too rash, the moment will be acceptable.

Gotham returns mid-season, during its fifth season, to close the show out. Most believe the Batsuit will debut in the final episode.

Gotham, FOX
Image: FOX

Are you ready for the Batsuit reveal on Gotham this season? What are your expectations for the final season of the show? Let us know in the comments below!