Doctor Who is celebrating its sixtieth anniversary this November. There aren’t many shows that can say they’ve been running since 1963. Of course, there were the dark years when the show wasn’t on but in 2005 it came back under the stewardship of Russell T Davies. After leaving in 2009/2010, RTD is back and has brought a few familiar faces along for the ride.
One of his best Doctor and companion pairings will be the centre of the anniversary celebrations. That’s right, the Doctor and Donna Noble are back! David Tennant and Catherine Tate return to their respective parts, alongside Jacqueline King and the late Bernard Cribbins. Moreover, returning from the previous eras is Jemma Redgrave as Kate Stewart, the daughter of the Brigadier from the classic series.
However, there are also some new faces appearing and one of them is Neil Patrick Harris as a mystery character. Or, at least, he was a mystery character until the BBC confirmed who he is. Before I say the name of the returning villain, let’s take a look at the new trailer that was just released:
Well, that looks great, doesn’t it? Neil Patrick Harris’ villain looks haunting and quite… celestial. Last seen in 1966, the Toymaker faced off against William Hartnell’s original incarnation of the Time Lord. He looks even more menacing, and his sights appear to be on Donna, possibly to hurt the Doctor? Well, whatever happens between them, the last time we saw Donna she was forced to forget the Doctor and if she remembers again she’ll burn.
In the 10th Doctor’s swansong, Donna remembers but we find out the Doctor put a failsafe in her mind to protect her if she remembered. But, what will happen this time? We know the duo are together but how can Donna remember him without dying? And can the Doctor save her this time or will Donna Noble’s story come to an end?