A couple of months ago, it was reported that Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman film was in trouble. The report went on to say that the film was a complete mess. Either that turned completely around, or it never was a mess to begin with. (I’m leaning towards the latter.) Early review for the film are glowing, and there is hardly a bad thing that anyone has to say about the film. This is a rarity with superhero films. Wonder Woman director Jenkins says that the DC online rumor mill is frustrating and brutal.
In an interview with Collider, Jenkins talked about how frustrating the rumor mill can be with big superhero films:
“That was actually the most frustrating thing when somebody made up the rumor that it was a mess and I was like ‘Really? A mess? It’s the opposite, it is so steady, it’s been so even keel and steady.’ It’s been such an opposite experience.
The rumor mill of these movies has been quite something to behold. I tried to learn to tune it out but the one thing I want to say to readers because it truly was stunning to me to watch is you truly can’t believe how absolutely false certain things are until you’re on the inside of one these things. You’re like there’s not even kind of where there’s smoke, there’s fire. There is absolutely lies.
You want to [respond] and then you have to restrain yourself because you’ll go crazy if you start doing that all the time. Definitely I was angry about the rumor that it was a mess because it was clearly a lie, it was clearly based on someone who had zero experience because there wasn’t anybody that you would be able to find that said that.
It’s been totally smooth. You know, everybody else was busy on doing other movies and we were chugging along, without any drama… You have to make the movie and get to the other side of it. I’ve been fucking dying to show the movie as a result”

Wonder Woman looks to be a brilliant film, with few flaws. Jenkins will have a few things to say to all of the nay-sayers when it hits theaters this Summer.
Conan O’Brien got to spar off against Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot. I’m sure the Amazonian gets the upper-hand. Check it out in this beautiful clip below:
Wonder Woman hits theaters on June 2.
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