Fox has a bad reputation of killing great television shows. There were some really great shows that were lost in time, but Firefly is one show that fans would love to have back. They still petition for Joss Whedon to bring back the space western, even today. Fans of the series want more.
The series only ran for one season, but still gains new fans daily. Starring Nathan Fillion (Castle) and Alan Tudyk (Rogue One), Firefly was way ahead of its time. It is commonly regarded as one of the best science fiction television shows of all time. Firefly is the main reason that Joss Whedon got the nod when Marvel wanted to make an Avengers movie, due to his ability to balance an ensemble cast.
Fox commonly fields questions about a possible Firefly reboot, but they finally have answered back. According to Fox President of Entertainment David Madden, Fox wants to bring the show back. They just have one small condition:
The show’s creator, Joss Whedon has to come back with it.

The studio will never make the show without him. Whedon is the reason that the show was good. It is his ability and style with dialog, and his balance that made Firefly something beautiful. The show is really a love letter to the space western genre. Fox knows that bringing the show back would be an instant hit, but they aren’t willing to move forward without Whedon.
This unfortunately will most-likely never happen. Whedon and Nathan Fillion both feel that bringing the show back would not be good for the franchise or the fans. Although the cast and crew loved every moment of the show, bringing it back would leave the door open for disappointment.

Firefly was not allowed to fail. It didn’t have the problems that most shows have in their second season, or the opportunity to have a bad episode or two. Fear is what will keep Whedon from pursuing another chance at Firefly. I’m not saying he is a coward by any means, rather if he brings the show back there is a real chance that the idea could fail. This is enough to make any creator be a bit apprehensive.
Mr. Robot is the perfect example of this. The first season of the show was killer. It was perfect in every way. Now that the second season is going, no one seems to be talking about the show anymore. The second season is not anywhere near what the first season was creatively. I’m not saying that the show couldn’t bounce back, but now it has lost all the momentum that the first season brought.
I am completely on-board if Joss Whedon brings Firefly back, and I think it would take a lot for the show to be considered a failure. It is essentially a win-win. Where would they start? Would they take the story back before the ‘I’m a leaf on the wind, watch me soar’ incident? I would sure hope so. Not having Alan Tudyk in the series anymore would be a big travesty.

What would you want from a Firefly reboot?
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