The first trailer for the Morten Tyldum-led Passengers is an impressive visual ride through a deep space journey. My first impressions of this film are that from the outside, it appears as though it is just a run-of-the-mill space movie, but there is something more here. This trailer asks the big question of this whole film, “Why did we wake up early?” Check out the beautiful trailer below:
Passengers is a movie that we have heard about for some time, and it is good to finally see something from the film. Starring Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence, this great cast is finished off with Lawrence Fishburne. I am wondering if the just cast one ‘Lawrence’ because they had the other ‘Lawrence’. Jim (Pratt) and Aurora (Lawrence) wake up from cry-sleep hibernation on a ship 90 years too early. As they try to figure out why they are the only ones up, things begin to happen that hint that their wake up may have been intentional.

I just cannot get past how beautiful this film looks. The ships design is something out of fantasy art, and the way that the star looks is spectacular. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Tyldum said that Passengers is a love story:
It’s one of those stories that really grabs you and you fall in love with it. It’s very smart and funny and clever and such a page turner I couldn’t put it down. Every 10 pages, something new happens! At the same time it’s a very intimate movie while taking place on this epic scale. For me, it’s a story about what’s important to live a full life. What are the things we need as humans? It’s not afraid to entertain but at the same time it asks big questions about what does it mean to really feel happy. Every generation has its love story. I feel like this is it. I had to do it.
Passengers hits theaters on December 21.
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