Peter Jackson is the director that transformed The Lord of the Rings from an amazing book, into an amazing franchise. Even if you aren’t a fan of The Hobbit trilogy, it is hard to deny that Jackson’s unique vision was perfect for LOTR.
With the announcement that Amazon greenlit a television series based on the franchise, many began to wonder if Jackson would return to the film franchise he created. In a recent interview with Comic Book, Peter Jackson stated that he has no involvement with the new television series:
I’m kind of looking forward to it. I was a guy who didn’t get to see the Lord of the Rings like everybody else because I had to make it, so I’m looking forward to seeing somebody else’s take on the Tolkien world.
This news comes as a shock, as Peter Jackson gave The Lord of the Rings a look and feel unlike anything seen before. It gave scope to the words Tolkien wrote on the page. It is certain that the television series will follow in the footsteps of the film franchise while trying to stand out a viable continuation of LOTR, for better or worse.