Star Wars quickly because a hit film early in the Summer of 1977, with lines of movie-goers wrapping around theater buildings to watch the film for the first time or the 6th time. You would think that the films’ stars would become some of the most-sought in Hollywood at the time, but this wasn’t the case. A few of the Star Wars cast did manage to become breakout stars (Harrison Ford, I’m talking to you.). But Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) didn’t, so, what happened?
Star Wars was one of the first film roles that Hamill nabbed, only having done television work in the early 1970s. Fans have speculated that the major vehicle accident Hamill was involved in, scarred him and hurt his chances of landing major film roles. According to Hamill this wasn’t the case. He has previously stated that the accident was hyped up and his scars were small, going on to say that it didn’t jeopardize his career at all.
Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) returns in ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’. Image: Disney
You could also say that Hamill was typecast after his role as a Jedi, but this would also be untrue. Hamill did have a few feature films, but Hollywood would have not cared that Hamill was typecast. Rather, studios would jump at the chance to have him in their films because of his reputation as Luke Skywalker.
His acting is also something that has been questioned in the past, but the way that he portrayed the last Jedi in the original Star Wars trilogy was nothing short of spectacular. He showed complete character in Skywalker, from whiney farm kid to confident Jedi over the course of Episodes IV-VI. Hamill has since done tons of voice work for DC animated films as The Joker, and multiple other video games and cartoons.
Maybe the reason that Mark Hamill never became a breakout Hollywood star was because he really didn’t want to. This isn’t too hard to believe. He is comfortable doing television, and although he has a few films on his resumé, he shys away from them. Another thing to note is that Hamill gravitates to comic-based roles. If you have ever watched an interview with him, you will find that he is a big nerd.
Mark Hamill returns as ‘The Trickster’ on ‘The Flash’. Image: CW Network
Hamill never wanted fame, it just came to him. Star Wars gave him more than he could have ever imagined. Whether you love Hamill as The Trickster (The Flash),the voice of The Joker, or a Jedi in the Star Wars franchise, there is no doubt that Hamill has won special place in each of our hearts.
Mark Hamill will return as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, hitting theaters on December 15, 2017.