
Does Miles Morales Have a Cameo in Marvel’s ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’?

Tom Holland has already won fans over with the best performance as Peter Parker and Spider-Man that we have ever seen. With just one week away from the theatrical debut of Spider-Man: Homecoming, a lot of new details about the film are beginning to emerge. Kevin Feige has been out doing press rounds for Homecoming and is starting to leak out some interesting easter eggs sprinkled throughout the film. Although this is Peter Parker’s first full film as the MCU’s Spider-Man (and he is still really young on-screen) could Marvel introduce a second Spider-Man (Miles Morales) in the film as well?

Spider-Man: Homecoming is an amazing film full of delicious easter eggs for Spidey fans to relish over. One of the roles that Feige mentioned is Aaron Davis, aka The Prowler, played by funnyman Donald Glover (Atlanta, Community). This is an interesting character to cast in the film, because fans of the comics know that Davis is the uncle of another famous Spider-Man, Miles Morales.

Ultimate Spider-Man, Marvel Comics
Image: Marvel Comics

Morales is the star of the upcoming Sony animated Spider-Man movie coming in December 21, 2018. Could Marvel be laying the foundations of Miles Morales in Spider-Man: Homecoming? According to Kevin Feige, this is exactly what they are doing. Kevin Feige, head of Marvel confirms that Miles Morales exists somewhere in the MCU.

In a recent interview with Screencrush, Feige says:

“I think Miles is a big part of the animated movie that Sony’s making. But where we go…we definitely want you to go ‘[Miles] is there. He’s there somewhere.’Spider-Man: Homecoming is packed with enemies. But despite this common superhero film burden, reviews for the film are positive. With The Vulture, The Tinkerer, The Shocker, and The Prowler, Marc Garage, aka The Scorpion, will also show up in Homecoming, played by Michael Mando. According to a recent article by Splash Report, a rumor has surfaced that stated that The Scorpion might also appear in the Silver and Black movie over at Sony Pictures.

Check out the four television spots just released for the film below:

Spider-Man: Homecoming hits theaters next week.

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Brad Repka

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what those 3 seashells are for...