
‘Justice League’: Henry Cavill Says Direction of DCEU ‘Hasn’t Necessarily Worked’

There are passionate DC fans eager to see their beloved characters get the films they deserve. I am not saying that the DCEU is tanking, but taking the string of bad reviews and poor fan reception into account, it is definitely a cinematic universe that needs help. The cinematic universe hasn’t gained much traction until the release of this year’s Wonder Woman. This new direction might save DC, but has too much damage already been done?

In a recent interview with Poetic Justice(via Heroic Hollywood), the DCEU’s current Superman, Henry Cavill spoke about the troubles with the DCEU, and what that could mean for the future of the cinematic universe:

Justice League, Warner Bros.
Image: Warner Bros.

“Even if Marvel didn’t exist, we’d struggle. There was a style they [DC] were going for, an attempt to be different and look at things from a slightly different perspective, which hasn’t necessarily worked. Yes, it has made money but it has not been a critical success; it hasn’t given everyone that sensation which superheroes should give the viewer.

I think it is a wonderful time for the female hero. It is the perfect setting in social politics right now, we need it, we want that perspective, and Wonder Woman has struck at the ideal time and has become a phenomenal success, which is fantastic. Any success within the superhero universe, especially within the DC Universe, is wonderful, because I want to keep telling the Superman story; selfishly, that works for me.

I feel like now the right mistakes have been made and they haven’t been pandered [to], and we can start telling the stories in the way they need to be told. It is even better to come back from a mistake or stylistic error into the correct vein because it will make it seem that much stronger. Wonder Woman was the first step in the right direction.”

Justice League, Warner Brothers Pictures
Image: Warner Brothers Pictures

With Wonder Woman, the universe took a turn in tone, which led to a new direction for the DCEU. Will Justice League follow suit, steering away from Zack Snyder’s dark, gritty DCEU? From the trailers, you can tell that Justice League will be a bit lighter and quirkier than its DCEU predecessors.

Justice League hits theaters on November 17.


Brad Repka

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what those 3 seashells are for...