
Director Explains Concerns Over ‘Birds of Prey’ Reshoots

Warner Brothers drops the next big film in the DCEU, Birds of Prey, this Friday. Director Cathy Yan helms the villain team-up film. Recently additional directing assistance and reshoots have some people concerned that the film wasn’t very good.

Last August, John Wick co-director Chad Stahelski came in to assist with reshoots. He helped by beefing up a few of the action sequences that his company’s stunt team worked on.

Birds of Prey (And The Fantabulous Emancipation Of One Harley Quinn), Warner Brothers Pictures
Image: Warner Brothers Pictures

Concerns raised that Warner Brothers was unhappy with the film, and a bit nervous about Yan’s ability to helm an action film of this caliber. In a recent interview with Collider, Yan stated that Stahelski just came in to helm with second unit shooting:

“He did some of the second unit directing for the reshoots, but also his company – because we were lucky enough to get him, his company 87eleven we’d worked with for the entirety of the shoot. And that’s because I really liked the way they did action. It felt very practical.

Our stunt coordinator Jonathan Eusebio and I really got along and we really love like the old Jackie Chan movies, and the way that those stunts were done and the way that you shoot that kind of action – which is what 87eleven is sort of known for, as well.

So they’d been training our ladies for months, and they did most of their own stunt work. Then when it came time to actually adding even more action in reshoots, it was just amazing to get to work with Chad too.”

The film’s tracking to be a big hit. Early reactions and reviews have nothing but praise for Birds of Prey.

A number of clips hit the internet today, you can check those out below:

Birds of Prey hits theaters this Friday, February 7.

Brad Repka

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what those 3 seashells are for...