In our culture, very few people ‘have time’ to put in the effort to create solid fat loss habits. I get it. Life is crazy in the US, and convenience usually wins against preparation. WHAT if there was a way to….jump start your metabolism, and let you burn fat on a daily basis? If you’re interested, give this a try:
1 cup grapefruit juice
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp honey
Mix these ingredients together, and slam this little drink right before lunch and dinner. Why?!? I’m glad you asked!
First, grapefruit juice has been proven to decrease insulin levels, preventing the body from storing as much sugar as fat. It can also help curb the appetite due to it’s high fiber content, while containing very few calories for a fruit.
Second, apple cider vinegar (random clear bottle you’ve probably had sitting in the back of your pantry for years now) has been shown to positively affect blood glucose levels. This is most likely because the vinegar messes with the body’s digestion of starch, ultimately providing a reduction in the calories eaten. It’s not magic, it just makes your body think it should get rid of some of those calories rather than process and digest them.
The honey? Well, that’s primarily to add delicious points, but honey can be helpful too. Honey can actually help decrease poor cholesterol in the body, while at the same time help your body mobilize stored body fat. While it’s gradual, it does happen, so why wouldn’t we throw a bit of the sweet nectar in there!
Look, I get that no one is perfect. We’ll all make mistakes, right? Why not give this pre-meal beverage a try to help you fight against those little mistakes, and let you burn fat while you sleep?
Stay Strong,
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