
Review: Millarworld’s ‘The Magic Order Vol 4 #1′

The Magic Order Vol 4 #1 is the latest issue in the Image comic series created by Mark Millar and Olivier Coipel. This is the beginning of the fourth volume. If you’ve missed the other three, they’re available to purchase online, but more importantly, from your local comic book store. You can find my reviews for the third volume here.

The Magic Order revolves around a group of magic wielders who protect the world from dangerous threats. It also doesn’t shy away from tackling heavy subjects. The story centres around the family who lead The Magic Order – the Moonstones. In particular, it’s the rebel daughter Cordelia whose usually more of a focus.

The previous volume finished with a surprising twist so let’s see what happens next in The Magic Order Vol 4 #1.

The Magic Order Vol 4 #1, Image Comics
Image: Image

The Magic Order Vol 4 #1 hits the ground running. It wastes no time in turning everything upside down. Even from the first issue, this feels very much like a finale. If this is how issue one is, I can’t wait to see what the rest do. The story spends more time on the villain’s side while Sammy Liu tries to figure out whose side he’s truly on.

The issue leaves you wanting more. Something happens that makes you question what you saw. Although knowing who wrote it, I don’t think it’s as simple as it looks. However, one thing is for sure… The Magic Order will never be the same again.

The Magic Order Vol 4 #1, Image Comics
Image: Image

Meanwhile, Dike Ruan provides the art for this volume. You may know his art from Marvel’s Shang Chi and as the covert artist on Miles Morales Spider-Man. This is another huge get for Millarworld. As you can see from the panels above, his work is incredible. It’s reminiscent of what’s come before while he puts his own spin on it. These are only the tip of the iceberg.

Wait until you see the rest of his work in this issue.

The Magic Order Vol 4 #1 (along with the final issue of American Jesus: Revelation) is available from Wednesday, January 25th 2023.

Oliver Douglas

Author of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayal: a short story collection, Karma, Saving Grace and New World Order. Avid watcher of TV & Film and comic book reader.