SnyderCut ‘Justice League’ Billboard Spotted at SDCC

Justice League, Release the Snyder Cut

The San Diego Comic-Con began last night, and with it comes swaths of fans from every reach of fandom. If you are in San Diego this week, keep your eyes peeled. An outcry from DC fans to ‘Release the Snyder Cut‘ version of Justice League is plastered on a number of billboards around town.

Check out the billboards below:

The billboards are courtesy of jaded fans of 2017’s Justice League. In the wake of dismal reviews, and a less-than-stellar film, director Zack Snyder proclaimed his original film was a lot different from the film that showed up in theaters.

During the filming of Justice League, Snyder stepped down from directing duties due to a family tragedy. Warner Brothers brought Joss Whedon (Avengers, Firefly) in to polish and finish the film.

The end result was a mess. It isn’t entirely Whedon’s fault, as he had no time to do the film justice, ironically. Zack Snyder isn’t really to blame either, because, with ample time to finish the film he could have polished his vision.

Studio intervention shined through every scene and rushed CG caught the eye of every fan. It was an insult to fans who have since cried out for Zack Snyder to release his version of the film.

Justice League, Warner Brothers Pictures
Image: Warner Brothers Pictures

There isn’t any indication that Snyder’s cut exists, but regardless, fans want it. The campaign’s aim is to get Warner Brothers to release the early version of the film. Recently, a letter-writing campaign took place aimed at Warner Bros. CEO Ann Sarnoff.

The proceeds from ‘Release the Snyder Cut‘ have gone to support suicide awareness and prevention. Whether or not the billboards will get the attention of Warner Brothers execs remains to be seen.

Justice League, Warner Bros. Pictures
Image: Warner Bros. Pictures

Do you think Warner Brother should release the Zack Snydecut of Justice League? Let us know in the comments below!

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