
‘Spawn’ Movie Reboot Could Soon Become a Reality

In the past decade, rumors surface from time-to-time about a new Spawn film. The rumors usually come from creator Todd McFarlane, and tend to fade. Now news comes from Jason Blum that another Spawn film may become a reality.

In a recent interview with Comic Book, Jason Blum says that “there has been an enormous amount of [recent] activity” in reference to a new Spawn film:

Spawn, Image Comics
Image: Image Comics

“There has been an enormous amount of activity on Spawn. No new news that I’m going to reveal here, I’m sorry to tell you, but the title Spawn, I’ve been uttering that word a lot in the last two or three weeks and we’ll have more news to come.

I wanna make the movie so badly, I wouldn’t put that past myself, and it’s an excellent question, but in this case, I’ve actually been talking to other people about it.”

Spawn, Image Comics
Image: Image Comics

It’s no secret that critics panned the 1997 movie. Rotten Tomatoes has the movie sitting at 18%. It’s a hard rewatch, even for diehard fans. Blumhouse took over the reboot three years ago, but this does seem like a decent push by the studio to get something going.

The film’s been delayed numerous times over the years. The news does perk me up, although Blum’s being very vague. It’s as if he’s being cryptic, but still allowing the film hype to build.

Spawn, Image Comics
Image: Image Comics

Casting hasn’t changed. Jaime Foxx is Al Simmons, a recently deceased special operations soldier. Simmons cuts a deal with the devil, Malebolgia, to become the general of his demon army as a HellSpawn.

As Spawn starts to eradicate crime in the dark shadows of the city, two detectives, Sam and Twitch (Jeremy Renner) hunt a supernatural killer. It’s unknown whether Renner’s still attached to the role, but Foxx confirmed his involvement.

Studio’s were a bit reluctant to bring Spawn back to the screen, as McFarlane refuses to make a film with any rating less than an R-rating. Joker and Deadpool both reignited the possibility of a Spawn reboot, as studio now see that an R-rated superhero film can succeed at the box office.

Spawn, Image Comics
Image: Image Comics

Check PopcornSushi regularly for any updates on Spawn.

Brad Repka

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