
Henry Cavill Wants to Play Superman Forever

OK. Forever is a bit of an over-exaggeration, But the Justice League star would like to be the Man of Steel in the DCEU for “years to come”. This is a big statement for an actor that just turned 37.

Cavill recently did an interview with Patrick Stewart for Variety and says he’s aware of how important the character is to DC fans, and that he’s always been a fan of Supes.

Cavill goes on to say that he’s still happy with the role seven years in. He hopes to be Superman for a very long time:

Justice League, Warner Brothers Pictures
Image: Warner Brothers Pictures

“My life has changed dramatically because of it… it has given me plenty of opportunity for [other] roles, and yeah, it’s been one of those characters which changed the entire course of my career.

I’m incredibly grateful for it, and it’s also taught me a lot about myself. With a character like that, you carry the mantle with you off set. And it becomes part of your public representation.

When you meet children, children don’t necessarily see me as Henry Cavill, but they might see Superman, and there’s a responsibility which comes with that.

Because it’s such a wonderful character, it’s actually a responsibility I’m happy to have, and I hope that I get to play more of Superman in years to come.”

Cavill recently states that Superman has a cameo in an upcoming DCEU film. It’s unknown which film that could be. Without any plans for a Man of Steel 2, the safe bet’s that Supes has a cameo in Shazam 2.

Man of Steel, Warner Bros. Pictures
Image: Warner Bros. Pictures

Cavill appears in Justice League: Snydercut in 2021 only on HBO Max. Cavill goes on to comment about the famed Snydercut:

“I believe, and it’ll be Zack’s final vision for the movie, and I don’t know anything more than that. I’m just really happy that Zack got to realize his vision.

I think it’s important for a filmmaker and a storyteller to have their intended vision released and shown to the world, and I’m looking forward to seeing it myself. Its been quite the ordeal.”

Justice League, Warner Brothers Pictures
Image: Warner Brothers Pictures

Head over to Variety to check out the full interview with Henry Cavill.

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Brad Repka

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what those 3 seashells are for...