
Nicholas Cage Talks ‘National Treasure 3’ or the Lack Thereof

In 2004, Disney dropped a smaller-budget film called National Treasure. The film grabbed great reviews and made back triple the budget. That’s not a bad start at all. The film made $347.5 million at the global box office. That’s not a bad haul at all.

The 2007 sequel didn’t grab the eyes of critics, but still brought in $459.2 million worldwide on a $130 million budget. Fans wanted a third film, but Disney’s never greenlit the film.

Disney brought the franchise back on Disney+ with National Treasure: Edge of History. Viewership wasn’t great for the series and cancelled it after just one season. At the end of the day, fans would go to theaters for Nicholas Cage.

National Treasure, Disney

Nicholas Cage recently spoke with Deadline about a third film, stating he’s ‘amazed’ Disney hasn’t contacted him about a third film. He goes on to say:

“They’re a lot of fun. I mean, I enjoy them too, and I think Jon Turteltaub made a couple of classic films for the whole family. I’m still kind of amazed that Disney hasn’t wanted to make a third one.

I thought the movies brought a lot of joy to the public, and it’s certainly interesting about history, and I think all of that is worthwhile filmmaking.

You can dig deep and go into the more abstract stuff, like Bringing out the Dead, or Pig or even Dream Scenario, or you can open it up and make a movie that pleases a lot of people and hopefully gives families a chance to escape a little bit from whatever may be going on at home or in the office. I think they’re all valid.”

National Treasure, Disney

Cage loved playing Benjamin Franklin Gates in the films, calling Gates characterization as ‘charming’.

Nicholas Cage’s going through a bit of a renaissance right now, with films like Mandy, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, and PIG. The actors bad roles are even a bit of an indulgence for me.

National Treasure, Disney

You can watch both National Treasure movies on the Disney+ streaming service.

Brad Repka

I still, for the life of me, cannot figure out what those 3 seashells are for...