Every new comic book day is another chance to discover something brand new that you never knew existed. It’s never easy to know what to get. Here are some of the ones I picked up this week:
Deathstroke #21
written by Christopher Priest and drawn by Diogenes Neves

Priest’s take on Deathstroke has been one of the strongest characterizations of the hitman in a long time. Ever since the start of Rebirth, this comic book series has been redefining who Slade Wilson is and what he wants to be. Due to the recent events during a crossover with the Titans, Slade is now leading his own team of heroes. He has seemingly found a new lease on life and has decided to become a force for justice in the world. His new team of former titans include: Kid Flash, Power Girl, Rose, Jericho, and Terra. They are calling this a bold new direction for Deathstroke, and it remains to be see if he has truly shed the shroud of villainy.
Green Arrow #26
written by Ben Percy and drawn by Otto Schmidt

This new comic book story begins a sort of Act Two in Percy’s run on the Green Arrow. Pushed out of his own city and on his own for the first time in a long while, Oliver Queen hits the road, hunting down the people who took his city from him. He has sworn to prevent any other town from befalling the same fate. If the Green Arrow is really going to take down this evil organization and win back what he has lost, then he will have to start by mending some fences and nothing says that like an old-fashioned team-up. This issue guest stars The Flash and it kicks off what promises to be a life changing road trip for the Green Arrow. It is also a great time to jump on board Ben Percy’s second act.
X-Men Gold #7
written by Marc Guggenheim and drawn by Ken Lashley

This X-Men series had to deal with some controversy early on in its run, but things have settled down now and they’ve gotten back to what the X-Men do best: fight Sentinels. This issue features the fall out of their latest battle with the new form that the sentinels have taken on and also ties in with the Secret Empire event running through out all of Marvel Comics. The mutants have fared pretty well so far during the reign of the Hydra Empire, and they’ve become a safe haven for humans and mutants alike. Now it seems they have let in someone who could threaten everyone under their protection.
All New Guardians of the Galaxy #5
written by Gerry Duggan and drawn by Chris Samnee

Gerry Duggan’s run on the primary Guardians comic book has been one for the ages and its only five issues in. This issue features guest artist Chris Samnee and focuses on Star-Lord’s love for music and adventure. The music of Guardians has become something of a pop culture icon, and always hits the top of the charts with every movie release. This time it is the comic book version’s turn to ‘pump up the volume’. This one feels more like a solo adventure and it is a great one-off tale for the casual reader looking to check in on the adventures of Peter Quill and his love for the music of Earth.
Gamora Vol.1 Memento Mori
written by Nicole Perlman and drawn by Marco Checchetto

She has been called the most dangerous woman in the galaxy, and was once the daughter of the dreaded titan Thanos. This comic book series is written by Nicole Perlman, the co-writer of the first Guardians of the Galaxy. It follows the early adventures of Gamora, when she was still an instrument of death and destruction. Now she fights on the side of heroes and guardians, but you can witness her days of revenge and bloody battles while she battles for redemption on a doomed planet that is crumbling all around her. This series also showcases the superstar artist Marco Checchetto. He draws action scenes and badass warriors like no one else can. This volume collects issues #1-#5.
What comic books are you picking up this week? Let us know in the comments section below!
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