
What’s Next For ‘Star Wars’ in Wake of ‘Skywalker’?

Lucasfilm Moving Forward

Star Wars, Lucasfilm
Image: Lucasfilm

Of course, everything mentioned here is subject to change. Lucasfilm’s no stranger to course correction. Disney scrapped plans for a third anthology film when Solo bombed at the box office. Despite making over $1 billion, The Rise of Skywalker somewhat under performed.

That being said, Lucasfilm’s doing the right thing. It’s wise to take a step back and gather themselves to make sure the ship is steering in the right direction before making the jump to hyperspace.

Regardless of the direction Star Wars will be going in the next few years, one thing is for certain: a galaxy far, far away is always a lot closer than you think…

Star Wars, Lucasfilm
Image: Lucasfilm

Which upcoming Star Wars project are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments below!

Scott Fleming

An avid movie fan with a degree in acting. If I can't be in the movies, I'll write about them!