The Magic Order Vol 2 #5 is the latest comic book from Millarworld. Mark Millar’s on writing duties while Stuart Immonen provides the art. Unfortunately, it’s the second last issue in this volume of The Magic Order. Fortunately, we’re not at the end yet. There’s still time for Cordelia Moonstone and her team to take on the Korne family. However, with the last issue’s developments, it might be the last thing they want to do.
The last issue delves into the aftermath of Francis King’s breakdown. It sees him giving into the entity that latches itself to him. This leads to a fight between members of The Magic Order but it’s quickly stopped as Francis leaves the group. Meanwhile, the rest of the Magic Order takes the fight associates of the Korne family. It ends with the antagonist receiving a family heirloom that changes everything.

The Magic Order Vol 2 #5 starts with a flashback to a simpler time. It explains the motivations of a certain character the previous issues were following. Furthermore, it introduces a character we probably won’t see again but would be interesting to see in a prequel series. This is Lucy King, Francis’ deceased mother who pulls off a spectacular magic trick that impresses other wizards.
The flashback doesn’t come from Francis though as it’s his father recounting the story to an auction house. Everything that happens after approaches spoiler territory. There’s a lot to unpack in this issue. It starts as a slow burn but it isn’t long before everything comes to a head. With this, it sets the stage for the final issue. Moreover, it also creates a devastating conflict that Mark Millar does well.

There’s a particular panel by Stuart Immonen that hits hard. Rather than outright showing what happens, he focuses on the reactions of other characters. He throws in an extra panel within showing the real meaning behind an earlier conversation. This makes what we’re seeing more painful.
His masterful command of shading creates another compelling moment. In a moment that feels like a Godzilla movie, most characters are shadowed to show their insignificance. This compares them to the might of what they’re facing.
The Magic Order is a series that doesn’t stop getting better so I can’t wait to see what happens in the finale.