Spider-Man is one of the most famous comic book characters. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in 1962, Peter Parker is a teenager who’s bitten by a radioactive spider. After getting his powers, he loses his uncle who reminds him “with great power, there must also come great responsibility.”
Being the original, it’s Peter who people know the most. It also helps he’s had three different franchises in the last 20 years, along with an abundance of animated series and games. However, there are plenty of other versions of the character people may not know about.

Therefore, we’re going to be looking at other Spider characters from the Marvel universe. These are the characters who deserve to make the jump from the page to either animation or live-action. I may use characters who have been in an animation show or movie but I’ll focus on why they should come to live-action.
There are certain characters who I won’t mention for various reasons. For example, Jessica Drew is getting her own feature film and Spider-Man Noir has been seen in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. The same can be said for Gwen Stacy’s super alter-ego and Miles Morales.
Although there is a chance at least one of them will be mentioned for a live-action adaptation.