17 Amazing Cameos You Didn’t See Coming in ‘Deadpool 2’

Deadpool 2, Twentieth Century Fox


Cable's Ship Prosh
The next cameo could be a hint at future tech, or a possible future villain for Deadpool and his buddy Cable to fight. Prosh was the self-given name of Cable’s A.I. when it took sentient form in the comics. It is highly unlikely like this would become an eventuality, but it still poses an interesting side story possibility. According to Cable in the comics, Prosh is his only best friend.
The film portrayed the A.I. as a rather sophisticated form assistant, much like Tony Stark’s J.A.R.V.I.S. The A.I. helped Cable fabricate future weapons using old technology.
Cable’s A.I. was first known as the Professor. It not only saved his life when he was first infected with a techno-organic virus. When he became a full-formed robot in X-Force #39, his presence caused Cable’s virus to affect the mutant more aggressively. In order to save Cable forever, Prosh flew off into space. He appeared once more briefly inĀ X-Men Forever to assist a group of space-traveling mutants.

Next: #10 Cable’s Family

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